Control Freak or Stress Leak?
The Invisible Battles of Entrepreneurs
Taking inspiration from Carrie Bradshaw's thought-provoking reflections,
I couldn’t help but wonder..
Are we control freaks, or are we just too scared to dip our toes into that zone
where we're balancing on the fine line between control and obsession?
Driven by ambition and passion, you meticulously micromanage every detail, fearing that any deviation from your carefully crafted plans could spell disaster.
I know you. I am you.
Did you know that entrepreneurship can sometimes lead to trauma that surfaces later in life? In the hustle and bustle of running our businesses, it's easy to miss the signs that our bodies are sending us. We might think we're just being proactive and assertive, but in reality, our bodies are silently SCREAMING for a break.
So, how do you know if you're a control freak or if stress is leaking into your life without you even realizing it?
- Feeling tired all the time, no matter how much sleep you get? It could be a sign that stress is taking its toll on your body.
- Are you snapping at your team or loved ones more often than usual? Stress can make even the most patient among us a bit prickly.
- Struggling to focus on tasks that used to be a breeze? Stress can cloud your mind and make it hard to think clearly. (try a weekend without social media!)
- Headaches, stomachaches, and other unexplained pains can be your body's way of saying, "Hey, slow down, I am running on low battery today."
As Ryan Holiday titled one of his books:
Ego Is the Enemy.
“Rise above passion. Passion is fleeting.
You must have purpose, direction, and reason. These last, these are strong through tough times, and they are bigger than yourself.
... Passion is focused on the ego, but purpose removes yourself from the equation. We also feel a passionate need to go quickly and get things done and make a difference early, but this is need for speed is an internal focus on what the “I” can achieve and comparing it to what others have done.”
Instead of fixating on sticking rigidly to Plan A, think of it as following directions on Google Maps. Stay open-minded and prepared to adapt your course if needed.
Taking a step back is crucial, even in the entrepreneurial journey. Just as you wouldn't undertake a 12-hour journey without stopping, it's important to pause and refresh your mind along the way.
Entrepreneurship is closely tied to having faith in both life and yourself. Even when things don’t unfold as anticipated, trust me, there's a better plan waiting for you. Rejection is redirection.
Before you get back to your daily tasks, let's remember that success isn't just about reaching the top – it's about finding fulfilment, balance, and purpose along the way.
⎯ If you're your own boss, you've already achieved success. Do you know how many people wish they could be in your shoes?
⎯ If you enjoy time and location freedom, you've already achieved success.
⎯ If you have the opportunity to connect with people around the world while pursuing your passion, you've already achieved success.
When we let go of the need to control every outcome, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and discover the strength to weather any storm with grace.
That’s it. *mic drop*
"The only way to deal with the future is to function efficiently in the now." ⎯ Alan Watts
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